Jack Anderson
Chief Operating Officer and Vice President
Jack holds the position of Venture Domain Hosting's Chief Operating Officer. Jack brings to Venture Domain Hosting a hands-on, team-oriented corporate culture. Jack's responsibilities include: managing Venture Domain Hosting's sales and billing operations, maintaining the vdomainhost.com.sg website and various social media channel including Twitter,Facebook and Blog.
Role of COO- Marshal limited resources as set out by the CEO to the most productive uses with the aim of creating maximum value for the company's stakeholders.
- Lead by developing and cascading the organizations strategy/mission statement to the lower ranking staff, and implementing appropriate rewards/recognition and coaching/corrective practices to align personnel with company goals.
- Plan by prioritizing customer, employee and organizational requirements
- Maintaining and monitoring staffing, levels, Knowledge-Skills-Attributes (KSA), expectations and motivation to fulfill organizational requirements
- Drive performance measures for the measurement of an operation's performance and consideration of efficiency versus effectiveness, often in the form of dashboards convenient for review of high level key indicators.
Contact Jack: jack.anderson@vdomainhost.com
- Marshal limited resources as set out by the CEO to the most productive uses with the aim of creating maximum value for the company's stakeholders.
- Lead by developing and cascading the organizations strategy/mission statement to the lower ranking staff, and implementing appropriate rewards/recognition and coaching/corrective practices to align personnel with company goals.
- Plan by prioritizing customer, employee and organizational requirements
- Maintaining and monitoring staffing, levels, Knowledge-Skills-Attributes (KSA), expectations and motivation to fulfill organizational requirements
- Drive performance measures for the measurement of an operation's performance and consideration of efficiency versus effectiveness, often in the form of dashboards convenient for review of high level key indicators.